This webinar focused on ways that we can accelerate healing practices into organizations that address issues of loss, interpersonal and systemic harm. The information shared centers non-traditional approaches that emphasize the lived experiences of BIPOC survivors of community harm and systemic violence. The facilitators represent diverse healing journeys, gender identities, and racial/cultural backgrounds.
Richard Smith is a nationally recognized expert on trauma and healing for survivors of interpersonal and systemic violence. With over two decades of experience in leading and developing community-based programs, Richard’s work has supported the healing process of historically oppressed groups, specifically currently and formerly incarcerated youth and adults and youth of color. He also provides training and technical assistance to agencies across the country, using an approach grounded in empowerment theory and critical race theory. Richard has received numerous awards and fellowships: Citizens Against Recidivism Award, New Leaders Council Fellowship, and Just Leadership USA LeadingWithConviction Fellowship. He was recently awarded the Robert Wood Johnson Forward Promise Fellowship for Leadership. Richard holds an M.A. from the University at Albany in Africana Studies and is a doctoral candidate at SUNY Albany’s School of Social Welfare where his research focus is male survivors of child sexual abuse. Richard is the proud father of two young sons, Kaden and Kaleb.
Jorge Vidal is a cultural strategist and social justice practitioner/ally born in Peru. He is a strong advocate for cultural organizations and peers. Jorge has built and led local NY programs as an Assistant Director and transferred knowledge in 4 jurisdictions and 3 countries, including NY, PR, CT, FL, DC, MEX, Peru, and DOM REP. Within the domestic violence and HIV/AIDS movement, Jorge serves as a race equity consultant, masculinity advisor with organizations representing various identities, including BITQPOC, universities and the Major and Minor Baseball League Players, technical assistance provider, mentor to cultural leaders, and speaker both nationally and internationally. Jorge values and fights the undermining of heart-to-heart connection that often is overlooked in our work. He holds a master's in social work from Fordham University.
As a Grief and Trauma Recovery Strategist, Lisa Wilson-Good has helped individuals, organizations and communities respond to the devastating impact of violence-related trauma, grief, and loss. As the Founder and Director of Urban Grief, an organization that serves urban neighborhoods, Lisa has empowered community leaders and residents with the resources needed to address these difficult challenges. In this capacity, Lisa has worked tirelessly to raise awareness about the disastrous effects of community violence, death and loss through community education, crisis response, victim advocacy and grief support. She also counsels and mentor survivors on their journey to heal. In her 25-year practice as a professional with a master’s degree in Social Work from the State University of New York, Lisa has used her keen insights about violence-related trauma, grief, and loss to facilitate the healing process and improve individual and collective well-being. As a speaker and trainer, creating workshops and community healing spaces, aimed at fostering resilience, is her passion.